"The trip was again very well organized"

Pieter and Laura

Customer experience Pieter and Laura,Kenya,cheetah

In August 2022, Pieter and Laura traveled to Kenya where they went on safari in Amboseli National Park and the world-famous Masai Mara, among other places, followed by a few days on Kenya's beautiful coast to relax and recover from all the impressions.

Dear Untamed Team,

This morning we arrived home after a wonderful fly-in through Kenya. Wonderful that our trip could finally take place and then also a trip that we enjoyed so much!

In particular Saruni Samburuand Saruni Wild stood out for us in quality and in wildlife experience.

Once again, the trip was very well organized. Many thanks for that to all of you!

We hope to be able to travel with Untamed again soon.

With kind regards,

Pieter & Laura

Experience just like Pieter and Laura travel with Untamed