Awards for peers, chosen by peers, better known as the Oscars of the Dutch travel world. They were presented january 25 at hotel of Orange during the annual Travel Gala. Just like last year we were nominated in the categories Far Travel and Adventure Holidays; this year we ended up on the shortlist for the Adventure Holidays Award…
The annual event where the top of the travel industry meets, the Reisgala, was held again on 25 January at hotel van Oranje in Noordwijk. A stiff sold-out edition with a record 472 guests, the busiest gala ever. The organization was arranged to perfection, the decoration was stylish and the atmosphere was delirious, which was undoubtedly due to the musical show and the rain of prizes that the attendees participated in.

After the drinks, guests were invited to sit at the table. With an entertaining intro by Tom van Apeldoorn – Founder & CEO TravMedia – the culinary feast kicked off. The tension was mercilessly stepped up during the dinner, which was musically framed by none other than Franklin Brown. Between courses, magicians Ronals Moray and Peter Vogel pulled out their best tricks and the award winners were announced.

It was only after the main course that the category Best Travel Provider Adventure Holidays 2020 was discussed. A heart-stopping moment of clammy hands and icy silence, followed by the redemptive moment when Untamed Travelling was called onstage and Marketing manager Ellen Kleijer received the award from T.J. van Apeldoorn (commercial director TravMedia). A huge surprise and a great honour to be recognized in this category after being named Best Travel Provider for Far Travel twice. An appreciation that we celebrated exuberantly. With the Dutch singalongs of Danny de Munk and a rousing set by house DJ Hilco, the King Wilhelmina Boulevard remained unsettled for a long time…

Check out the aftermovie for an atmospheric image: