It is no longer a secret that Untamed Travelling has been named ‘Best Travel Provider of Far Travel 2015’. “Perfectly arranged, excellent service, the best!”, the traveller judged. Recalling their wonderful travel adventure, Untamed customers left a review on review platformOpiness. End result for us: a 9.4! The highest report rating in the category of ‘long journeys’. But all this was not yet clear at the start of the dinner at the Reisgala.
The champagne is ready when you enter. Bubbles dance in the glasses. But to toast, it’s too early. At the Reisgala 2015, Saturday evening 30 January, there is a fresh tension: who will leave this year with the prestigious Holiday Awards?!
Enjoying the entrée, the more than 300 attendees turn their eyes to the stage, where Sebastiaan Labrie will present the Awards for the travel industry. The Holiday Awards, an initiative of TravMag, ANVR, SGR and Sanoma are based on the judgment of travellers. The people who did the safari in Tanzania. The vineyards in South Africa visited. Or cross the salt flats in Chile. Those who speak from their own experience are best judged. And in the months leading up to the gala, travelers did so en masse on review platformOpiness.
The first Awards fly over the table during the entrée. Best sun holidays, camping holidays, cruises… The awards follow each other, the tension increases with each bite. And every time there’s applause. So too at the next award, those for long trips. After a silence that makes the tension audible, follows the redemptive applause: Untamed Travelling – Best travel provider Far Travel of the Netherlands 2015!
Martine de Knoop and Boy Lokhof of TravMedia are ready for the Holiday Award. Jozef Verbruggen and Trees Piersma appear on stage. Obviously on behalf of the entire untamed team. Because we are all proud, we are all committed to your most beautiful, impressive and unforgettable journeys. Once on stage, with the excitement from the air and the award in hand, it can be done anyway. Because with the award in one hand, the other remains available for a glass of champagne: ‘Cheers!’